Biology Revision_Class XI_NCERT_Chapter 1

Welcome to the blog that is different!
Friends ,

Let's begin with the basics: 
1. CBSE Curriculum for the year 2020-2021 Biology: id=1XZG0V2U7hJIap78-SidmNJ8HyFDalPtj

2. NCERT Text book Chapter: 1: The Living World:

3. Microlearning Capsules Chapter:1: Four Capsules 

a) What is Living?:

b) Diversity in the Living World:

c)  Taxonomic Categories:

d) Taxonomical Aids:

4. Links to interactive worksheets in H5P Chapter 1: The Living World:

This being a maiden attempt in contributing to the digital resources via blog, with a difference, your valuable comments and suggestions will surely help in improving the same.Look forward to your comments and suggestions after you visit the blog.

Please do share your thoughts and ideas .
Thank you in advance.